Board Meetings NY & Innsbruck 2012

ISFG Board meeting NY March 2-3, 2012
Proposed changes for ISFG website
1. Separate checkbox for user record for
  • Honorary members (these do not have to pay any membership fees, so no payments should be added in the accounting list)
  • Corporate members (these need to pay 600 Euros, but will not so that by credit card, they have to receive a personalized invoice – so the payment should be added manually when the payment has been made).
2. Create more email lists to ask members to pay their fees, including a filter system (or a dynamic list based on payment records) to send separate mails to
  • Members who have to pay for the current year only.
  • Members who have to pay for 2 years
  • Members who have to pay for 3 years (and risk loosing their membership)
  • For this, it is necessary to take into account the admittance date into the society.
  • The admittance date should also be included for each member in the exported payment list that can be generated from the accounting page.
3. Is it possible to send the login name and a special password which can be used only for paying the membership fees? It should be sent out together with the reminder email. This would save a lot of time of helping people to obtain a new password (which they routinely forget!)
4. Is it possible to add a separate column (similar to News list) on the left side of the screen (only on main start page) for meeting announcements?
5. Is it possible to configure the bank payment website so that the default language is English? The small box "Sprache: deutsch" is not recognized by many users.
6. Remove "Get Access" Link from start page (>90% of members have a valid user account now).
List continued from New York meeting:
6. Website should send automatic message to pay the membership fee to all members at the end of November (for next year) – text to be proposed by Leonor/Peter. Then: a second automatic message should be sent to all who have not paid at the end of January!
7. Personal profile page: list the payments made by each member on his/her page, and allow to print a separate receipt for each of the years already paid for.
8. Some ISFG members pay the fee already for next year, e.g. for 2013 in 2012. Then a payment is introduced manually by Leonor. At the end of the year, when the new payments for 2013 are added automatically, these persons would again see an open payment for 2013 on their pages. Is there a way to avoid that?
Innsbruck, 08.09.2012
Changes & comments by Sascha & Peter: Status Oct. 2012

Last modified 11 years and 8 months ago by Prof. Dr. Peter M. Schneider †