
Individual Membership

You can apply for membership by using the Online Application Form. Please state your field of expertise in forensic genetics, and give the name of two members of the ISFG willing to support your membership. You need a valid e-mail address for verification of your application.
Please note that you will receive the confirmation of your membership by e-mail. Together with this e-mail, you will receive information about the payment of membership fees (at present EUR 60.00 per year; a reduced fee of EUR 40.00 per year applies for members 65 years of age and older - therefore please do not forget to give your date of birth in the application form). The membership fee includes a complimentary subscription (online version) of the scientific journal Forensic Science International: Genetics which is published in affiliation with our society.

Payment of Membership Fees

Secure online payment of membership fees is available for credit card payment (click on the PCI DSS seal below for further information about our certified payment system). For detailed instructions, please visit your personal profile page (after "sign in", just click on your name at the top right corner of the screen).
Please note: If your application is received before October 1st of each year, then the full fee for this year has to be paid. If the application is received after this date, then the membership and payment starts on January 1st of the following year.
If several ISFG members come from the same organisation, they may send their fees in a single payment to reduce bank fees. Please include the member ID numbers with the payment.
If you need a personalized invoice for the payment, e.g. in case your employer is paying the fee for you, please ask the ISFG Treasurer.
For these and all other questions regarding the payment of fees, please contact the ISFG Treasurer:
Dr. Lourdes Prieto Solla
DNA Laboratory. Comisaria General de Policia Cientifica.
Instituto de Ciencias Forenses Luis Concheiro

28043 and 15782 Madrid and Santiago de Compostela
Phone +34 91 5822321
Fax +34 91 5822541

Supporting Membership

According to the statutes of the ISFG, legal entities (e.g. companies with an interest in the field of forensic genetics) can become a special member to support the aims and activities of the society. If you consider to apply for supporting membership, and would like to learn more about the conditions, please read the statutes, and contact one of the members of the Executive Committee for further information.

Last modified 1 month and 10 days ago by Cíntia Alves