Presentation Awards

The recipients for the awards for the best oral presentation and the best poster presentation are selected during the biannual ISFG congress by a committee which is composed of senior scientists attending the congress as well as of the members of the executive board. The award ceremony is held during the closing session of the congress.

These are the recipients of the awards for the best oral and poster presentations at the ISFG congresses:

ISFG Congress Year Award winner Title
Santiago de Compostela 2024 Best oral presentation:
M. Boullón-Cassau et al., Forensic Genetics Unit, Institute of Forensic Sciences, USC, Santiago De Compostela, Spain
Exploring legal age estimation using DNA methylation.
Santiago de Compostela 2024 Best poster presentation:
C. McDonald et al., Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia
Real-time and STR data in one reaction: a means to optimise PCR.
Washington DC 2022 Best oral presentation:
R. Turiello et al., University of Virginia, USA
A novel rotationally-driven microfluidic approach for forensic epigenetic sample preparation for human chronological age determination.
Washington DC 2022 Best poster presentation:
N. Sheth et al., Rutgers University, USA
A forensically relevant unsupervised learning approach that accurately clusters single- cell electropherograms.
Prague 2019 Best oral presentation:
S. Claerhout et al., KU Leuven, Forensic Biomedical Sciences - Forensic Genetics and Molecular Archaeology, Leuven, Belgium
CSY? A panel-based MPS approach including 6,917 Y-Chromosome polymorphisms.
Prague 2019 Best poster presentation:
P. Kanokwongnuwut, et al., Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering, Adelaide, Australia
Detection of cellular material within handprints.
Seoul 2017 Best oral presentation:
M. Diepenbroek et al., Dept. of Forensic Genetics, Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin, Poland
First genetic evidence for Jewish holocaust victims in Sobibor, Poland, by phylogeographic analyses.
Seoul 2017 Best poster presentation:
Yu-Chih Lin et al., Graduate Institute of Biotechnology, National Chung Hsing University and Taichung City Government Police Department, Taiwan
Novel identification of biofluids using a multiplex methylation sensitive restriction enzyme PCR system.
Kraków 2015 Best oral presentation:
A. Vidaki, D. Ballard, L. Barron, D. Syndercombe Court. Dept. of Pharmacy and Forensic Science, King’s College, London, United Kingdom
DNA methylation-based age prediction using artificial neural networks and next generation sequencing.
Kraków 2015 Best poster presentation:
A. M. Haines, S. Tobe, H. Kobus, A. Linacre. School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia
Finding DNA: using fluorescent in situ detection.
Melbourne 2013 Best oral presentation:
S. Walsh, A. Ralf, L. Chaitanya, J. Koller, L. Kovatsi, A. Wojas-Pelc, W. Branicki, F. Liu, M. Kayser. Dept. of Forensic Molecular Biology, Erasmus MC University, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Predicting skin colour from DNA using a model-based approach.
Melbourne 2013 Best poster presentation:
S. Leake, G. Greub, F. Taroni. Institut de Police Scientifique, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Human identification through analysis of the salivary microbiome.
Vienna 2011 Best oral presentation:
D. Hall, V. Castella. Forensic Genetics Unit, University Center of Legal Medicine Lausanne and Geneva, Switzerland
DIP-STR markers: a new tool for the analysis of unbalanced mixtures of DNA from two individuals.
Vienna 2011 Best poster presentation:
C. Phillips, J. Amigo, A. Salas. Genomics Medicine Group, CIBERER, and Forensic Genetics Unit, Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Exploring 1000 Genomes Data for Forensic Purposes using the Engines SNP Browser .
Buenos Aires 2009 Best oral presentation:
Ana Freire-Aradas, Manuel Fondevila, Christopher Phillips, Peter Gill, Lourdes Prieto, Ángel Carracedo, María Victoria Lareu. Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Centre for Forensic Science, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom; IUICP, DNA Laboratory, Comisaría General de Policía Científica, Madrid, Spain
A New SNP Assay for Human Identification of Highly Degraded DNA.
Buenos Aires 2009 Best poster presentation:
Peter Vallone, Carolyn Hill, Daniele Podini, John Butler: U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Maryland; The George Washington University, Washington D.C., USA.
Rapid Amplification of Commercial STR Typing Kits
Copenhagen 2007 Best oral presentation:
Florian Pitterl, Herbert Oberacher, Gabriela Huber, Harald Niederstätter, Walther Parson. Institute of Legal Medicine, Innsbruck Medical University, Austria
Simultaneous detection of length and nucleotide variability in STRs by High Performance Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry.
Copenhagen 2007 Best poster presentation:
Myung Jin Park, Hwan Young Lee, Na Young Kim, Soong Deok Lee, Woo Ick Yang, Sang-Ho Cho, Kyoung- JinShin. Yonsei University College of Medicine, South Korea
Genetic characteristics of 22 Y-STRs in Koreans: Atypical alleles, deletions in the DYS385 flanking region, and null alleles associated with AZFc microdeletions
Ponta Delgada 2005 Best oral presentation:
Montesino M, Salas A, Crespillo M, Albarrán C, Alonso A, Alvarez-Iglesias V, Cano JA, Carvalho M, Corach D, Cruz C, Di Lonardo, Espinheira R, Farfán MJ, Filippini S, Garcia-Hirschfeld J, Hernández A, Lima G, López-Cubría CM, López-Soto M, Pagano S, Paredes M, Pinheiro MF, Sala A, Sóñora S, Sumita DR, Vide MC, Whittle MR, Zurita A, Lourdes Prieto Solla. GEP-ISFG.
Analysis of mtDNA mixtures from different fluids: an inter-laboratory study.
Ponta Delgada 2005 Best poster presentation:
Caroline Murray, McAlister C, Elliott K. Forensic Science Service, Birmingham, UK.
Use of Fluorescence In Situ Hybridisation and Laser Capture Microdissection to isolate male non-sperm cells in cases of sexual assault.
Arcachon 2003 Best oral presentation:
M. Nilsson, U. Gyllensten, M. Allen. Dept. of Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
Sequence analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome.
Arcachon 2003 Best poster presentation:
C. Keyser-Tracqui, P. Blandin, E. Petkovski, F.X. Ricaut, E. Crubézy and B. Ludes. Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Strasbourg, France.
SNP analysis of a 2000-year-old Xiongnu population from Mongolia (peri-Baïkal area).
Münster 2001 Best oral presentation:
M. Brion, B. Quintans, A. Gonzalez-Neira, M. Zarrabeitia, A. Salas, J. Riancho, M.V. Lareu, P. Sanchez-Velasco, A. Carracedo. Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela; Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Cantabria, Santander; Dept. of Medicine, Hospital U.M. Valdecilla, Santander, Spain.
Microgeographic patterns of highly informative Y-chromsome haplotypes (using biallelic markers and STRs) in Galicia (NW Spain): foresnic and anthropological implications.
Münster 2001 Best poster presentation:
C. Alves, L. Gusmao, L. Pereira, A. Amorim. IPATIMUP, Porto, Portugal.
Multiplex STR genotping: comparison study, population data and new sequence information.

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