Editorial1989 (Article)
Brinkmann B., Bütler R., Lincoln P., Mayr WR., Rossi U., Baur MP., Blin N., Driesel A., Epplen JT., Van eyden P., Fimmers R., Henke J., Kömpf J., De lange G., Martin W., Polesky H., Rand S., Rittner C., Schmitter H., Schneider PM., Werrett DJ., Zang KD. (1989), 'Editorial: Recommendations of the Society for Forensic Haemogenetics concerning DNA polymorphisms', Forensic Sci. Int. 43, 109-111 FileAbstract The new techniques allowing the characterisation of individuals at the DNA level has been the subject of a recent article this journal. The topicality of the subject and its important in forensic science is reflected in the literature and the programme content of current scientific meetings in this field. The International Society for Forensic Haemogenetics set up a Committee in 1987 to discuss these exciting developments in relation to their use in the medico-legal context and the following recommendations have been made by the Society.
Last modified 17 years and 6 months ago by Sascha Willuweit