
DNA Commission on software validation

The ISFG DNA Commission has published Recommendations on the validation of software programs performing biostatistical calculations for forensic genetics applications.
Recommendations for the software provider address, for example, the documentation of the underlying models used by the software, validation data expectations, version control, implementation and training support, as well as continuity and user notifications. For the internal validations the recommendations include: creating a validation plan, requirements for the range of samples to be tested, Standard Operating Procedure development, and internal laboratory training and education. To ensure that all laboratories have access to a wide range of samples for validation and training purposes the ISFG DNA commission encourages collaborative studies and public repositories of STR typing results. The document can be retrieved from the ISFG DNA Commission publication list.

Posted 8 years and 19 days ago by Prof. Dr. Peter M. Schneider † (Last modified 8 years and 19 days ago)