ESWG MEETING 2016 31 August to 3 September 2016 – BUDAPEST, HUNGARY
- Niels Morling: History of the English Speaking Working Group of the International Society for Forensic Genetics
- Niels Morling: New Technologies - An Introduction
- Christian Hussing: Sequencing of 58 STRs using the Illumina ForenSeq Workflow and Analysis of the Data with the STRinNGS v1.1 software
- Anders Buchard: Validation of the HID-Ion Ampliseq Identity Panel for Relationship Testing and Reflections on the Experience with MPS in Real Case Work
- Klaas Slooten: Identifying Common Donors in DNA Mixtures
- Eszter Rockenbauer: Sequence Variation in the Short Tandem Repeat System SE33 Discovered by Next Generation Sequencing
- Eszter Rockenbauer: Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data of 9 STRs and Amelogenin in 202 Somalis Using the STRinNGS v1.0 Software
- Maarten Kruijver: Kinship Testing with (Many) More Markers
- Andrei Semikhodskii: Effect of Genetic Inconsistencies on Duo Parentage Testing Using COrDIS Plus DNA Marker System
- Andreas Tillmar: Increasing the Power in Paternity and Relationship Testing Utilizing MPS for the Analysis of a Large SNP Panel
- Andreas Tillmar: Quality Assurance (QA) of the Biostatistical Workflow in Forensic Genetic Casework
- Antonia Volgyi: Autosomal STR Variations Reveal Genetic Heterogeneity in the Mon-Khmer Speaking Group of Northern Thailand