Canine DNA Profiling Group

Canine DNA Profiling Group

The Canine DNA Profiling (CaDNAP) group was founded in 2003 as a collaborative research project. The core group consisted of the Institute of Legal Medicine, Medical University of Innsbruck (GMI) and the German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA). The Institute of Veterinary Pathology, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen joined in 2008 and the Institute of Forensic Medicine Zurich, University of Zurich followed in 2015.
CaDNAP has been striving for harmonization of canine DNA analysis by developing (Eichmann et al 2004; Hellmann et al 2006) and validating a canine-specific STR panel according to standards defined by the ISFG (Berger et al 2014) as well as mitochondrial DNA analysis (Eichmann and Parson 2007). CaDNAP members were invited to contribute to the development of ISFG guidelines on non-human DNA analysis (Budowle et al 2005, Linacre et al 2011).
CaDNAP has used the dog as “boarding species” to non-human DNA typing, but performs research and development in other animals and plants as well. Although the focus is on companion animals, forensic casework additionally involves husbandry animals and wildlife species. CaDNAP’s expertise covers DNA profiling and mitotyping, the latter in a number of mammals, birds, reptiles, and fishes.
CaDNAP offers proficiency tests for canine DNA genotyping (see the manual /files/Cadnap-PT-Manual-2024.pdf). The next proficiency test will take place in 2025/2026. The exact details will be announced from June 2025. The proficiency test is organized by:
Nadja Vera Morf
Universität Zürich
Institut für Rechtsmedizin
Forensische Genetik
Winterthurerstrasse 190/52
8057 Zürich
The group is open to new participants. Please contact CaDNAP by email to the secretary:
Martina Unterländer

65173 Wiesbaden
Further information about CaDNAP can be found at the group's homepage
Members of CaDNAP are also active in forensic genetic identification of individuals in other non-human animal species involving cats (Schury et al 2014), deer (Morf et al 2017) and other Canoidea. Animal species identification was performed by CADNAP members on species listed below.


African clawless otter, Antelope, Asian Elephant, Badger, Beaver, Beech marten, Billy goat, Brush-tailed porcupine, Camel, Cane rat, Cattle, Chamois, Chimpanzee, Donkey, Elk, Ferret/polecat, Fox, Goat, Gorilla, Hare, Hedgehog, Horse, Ibex, Lama Long-tailed monkey, Lynx, Mammut ivory, Minipig, Norway rat, Orangutan, Pangolin, Pig, Pine marten, Rabbit, Racoon, Racoondog, Red deer, Red river hog, Sheep, Squirrel, Tiger, Voles, Water buffalo, Wildboar, Wildcat, Wolf


Budgerigar, Chicken, Eagle owl, Emu, Golden eagle, Guineafowl, Hawk, Kestrel, Marsh harrier, Mountain cock, Pigeon, Quail, Turkey


Forest hinge-back tortoise, Snake


Rainbow trout, Wels catfish

Publications of the CaDNAP

Complete list

Last modified 4 days and 9 hours ago by Dr. Lourdes Prieto Solla