Spanish and Portuguese Speaking Working Group

Grupo de Habla Española y Portuguesa de la ISFG / Grupo de Línguas Espanhola e Portuguesa da ISFG.
GHEP-ISFG Homepage

Proficiency Testing

The GHEP-ISFG Proficiency Test (Basic Level) is accredited under the standard ISO/IEC 17403:2010. Participation is possible for everyone (both GHEP and non-GHEP members). This Proficiency Test is available in Spanish, Portuguese and English. A final report, available in Spanish and English, is released every year. The report includes: description of items, assigned values, anonymized individual results, methodology used, comments and recommendations from the organization, remarks and suggestions from the participants. Additional information can be found at Currently, the GHEP-ISFG PT also includes the analysis of markers through Massive Parallel Sequencing.

Upcoming activities or meetings

The next annual GHEP-ISFG meeting will be held in Salta, Argentina, from 4 to 6 of June, 2024. The Local Organizing Committee, represented by Nidia Modesti (Institute of Forensic Genetics, Córdoba, Argentina), in collaboration with the SAGF (Argentinean Society of Forensic Genetics), are finalizing the details, which are available through the Meeting website ( This year, four pre-meeting workshops will be held:
4 JUN Two overlapping full day workshops:
WORKSHOP 1 – Statistics in mixture interpretation | Lourdes Prieto & Pedro Barrio
WORKSHOP 2 - X-STR markers in kinship analyses | Nádia Pinto & Leonor Gusmão
5 JUN Two overlapping half day workshops:
WORKSHOP 3 - DNA Methylation in Forensics | Ana Freire-Aradas & Ana Mosquera
WORKSHOP 4 – Biogeographical Ancestry | Vânia Pereira & Leonor Gusmão
Registrations are open until May 15, 2024. Early-bird until April 15.
See you in Salta!

Previous meetings

The 2023 meeting of the Spanish and Portuguese-Speaking Working Group of the ISFG (GHEP-ISFG) was held in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, on July 26-28, 2023.
Hosted by Beatriz Martínez and colleagues from the Instituto de Investigaciones Inmunológicas, University of Cartagena, over 90 participants were present in this event, which included various topics, namely:
- 2 Symposiums on the scientific and legal aspects of expert reports in the context of Forensic Genetics, one more oriented to geneticists and the other to magistrates;
- Two full-day workshops on the use of mitochondrial DNA in the forensic field and on forensic genetic genealogy;
- A half-day presentation/discussion of the GHEP-ISFG/INTCFM Proficiency Test (EIADN 2023);
- A mini-symposium on DVI;
- The presentation/discussion of the Advanced Theoretical Challenges (ATC 2023), and
- The GHEP-ISFG General Assembly for GHEP members only.

You may find the detailed program here and more details on the GHEP-ISFG website


Leonor Gusmão
DNA Diagnostic laboratory (LDD)
State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)
Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524. Maracanã
20550-900 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Brasil
Tfno: +55 2123342183

Vice President

Ulises Toscanini
PRICAI-Fundación Favaloro
Av. Belgrano, 1782 - S.S.
C1093AAS - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tfno: +54-1143781205
Fax: +54-1143831197

Secretary GHEP-ISFG

Manuel Crespillo Márquez
Servicio de Biología. Departamento de Barcelona
Instituto Nacional de Toxicología y Ciencias Forenses (INTCF)
Ministerio de Justicia
08002 Barcelona, Spain
Tfno: +34 933174061


Pedro A. Barrio Caballero
Servicio de Biología. Departamento de Madrid
Instituto Nacional de Toxicología y Ciencias Forenses (INTCF)
Ministerio de Justicia
C/ José Echegaray 4
E-28232 Las Rozas de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Publications of the GHEP-ISFG

Complete list

Last modified 8 months and 10 days ago by Cíntia Alves